Sunday, September 5, 2010

MAC Wk 1 Blog 2

Tamara Collins shared an interesting point in her blog referencing the Art of Possibility. Her blog can be found here and my comments are copied below.


The last paragraph of your blog post really grabbed me. I think you're absolutely right in suggesting that often times our assessments are based on whether or not the student is doing what we have told them.

Personally, assessment has always been a challenging aspect of the classroom. Early on in my teaching career, I would have to confess that much of analysis of student work was only slightly more sophisticated than "arbitrary".

And, while today I feel much more confident and consistent in my grading (armed with a bevy of rubrics and assessment tools), I still often find my self frustrated by certain student papers thinking, "That's not exactly what I wanted you to say in the essay". This is a challenge. We are grading based on our own personal perspectives and world views. This point of view doesn't necessarily account for the broader holistic learning that a student might experience.

I too am encouraged and inspired by our new text. I'm discovering that assessments should be diversified and broadened to allow students the opportunity to share and, per an earlier post on my blog, "re-present" what they have learned.

Well done.

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