Sunday, August 29, 2010

LMO Wk 4 Udutu Comment for Jeff Kohls

Jeff has developed a really great Udutu project that is accessible from his blog site here.

My comments regarding his site are below:


Wow. Great Udutu site.

In short, I really think you have leveraged Udutu's functionality quite well- integrating the links for your technology tools directly in the lesson allows a learner to really engage in the material. This way, students, administrators, and teachers alike can actively complete some of the sign-ups for specific Web 2.0 tools while they are participating in the lesson.

From a macro perspective, I think your Udutu site is a clear example of how accessible much of the technology that we've discussed this year can actually be. You have aggregated many of these tools quite well while curating some of the best video content available. I think this lesson could be a powerful element of your AR project because it easily brings so many pieces together within one environment.

Great job. This site has me thinking about my classroom and assignments differently, and that level of reflection is invaluable from any lesson.


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