Saturday, August 7, 2010

LMO Wk 1 Comment 2: Tamara Collins

I have also commented on an earlier blog posted by Tamara Paris Collins which can be accessed here.

"Learning platforms have been in existence for many decades. Of course with the change in times the learning platforms have changed to accommodate the student and educator. As society continues to evolve so will our systems of learning. Two of the learning platforms established by several educational and corporate institutions are the Content Management System (CMS) and the Learning Management System (LMS)."


Your post is one of the clearest and most straightforward delineations of LMS and CMS that I have read. Furthermore, I think you are on the right track by suggesting that these systems will continue to evolve in order to meet the needs of tomorrow's students and institutions.

Honestly, I think there will be quite a bit of development and consolidation in this arena in the coming years. Per Dr. Gibson's explanation of the diverse and growing feature sets of current LCMS platforms, I believe all of these systems will continue to add on tools and resources which will only further expand their scope and potential. I'm not sure if you are aware, but Blackboard, which you mentioned above, purchased both the Wimba and Elluminate software companies a few weeks back. I am certainly not an expert in these areas, but it seems easy to predict that by combining a CMS platform with a video based synchronous VLE technology resource, we're going to have some very powerful options in the near future that will only further combine and confuse our current naming schemes for such systems.

Thank you for the post.

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