Sunday, August 15, 2010

LMO Wk 2 Project: Udutu Set Up

LMO Wk 2 Udutu Set-up

1. Legere, Christian (Scott)

2. Prior Project: Explaining the Economics of Recording Contracts.

The specifics of recording contracts have confounded generations of musicians and students alike. As a media economics instructor, I talk about contracts and the definitions of their various common clauses every semester. This initial lesson was a brief attempt to clarify some of the essential terms within a typical legal agreement between talent and producer.

3. This project was initially created for Kathy Kraven's course, Digital Media & Education Applications, in April, 2010.

4. For my project, I believe that the Best Practices scenario will work well. As it stands, my lesson is not that complex, and the Best Practices scenario seems to progress naturally from one object to the next. That said, for more informational type lessons, I would be tempted to use the Self-Directed scenario.

5. file:///Volumes/cslegere/Web/Sites/Flash/LeGere_Christian_DAE_Week4.html

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